
OKC Standard

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Path to Election Integrity

Stephanie i bice

Congresswoman Stephanie Bice | Congresswoman Stephanie Bice official website

Congresswoman Stephanie Bice | Congresswoman Stephanie Bice official website

After having oversight of Oklahoma’s election board as a State Senator, I can say with certainty that Oklahoma has some of the best election processes in the entire country. Voting is safe, it is secure, and we receive the results on election night. The same cannot be said for other states in the country.

Over the past two decades, many Americans have lost faith in our election process. This is why, alongside my colleagues on the House Administration Committee, I have introduced the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act. The ACE Act is the most conservative election integrity legislation to be considered in the House in a generation. This legislation has three main pillars: equipping states with election integrity tools, implementing election integrity reforms in Washington, D.C., and protecting political speech and donor privacy. This comprehensive plan is the first step in restoring confidence in America’s electoral process.

One aspect of the bill is focused on providing states with tools to improve voter confidence. In order to maintain accurate voter rolls and to prevent bad actors from using a deceased individual’s identity to vote, States would now be allowed access to the Social Security death list. Many states struggle to keep voting rolls current, and this is one way to improve the accuracy of the voter files. The ACE Act also allows states to require photo ID to cast a ballot. Thirty-five states, including Oklahoma, already require a form of identification at the polls.

Additionally, voting in United States elections should strictly be reserved for United States citizens. Currently, in areas like Washington, D.C. and New York City, non-citizens are allowed to vote in local elections. In Washington, D.C. this law would allow embassy staff from foreign adversaries, such as Russia and China, to vote. The ACE Act prohibits non-citizen voting in Washington D.C. and prevents federal funds from going to states that allow these practices to continue. It shouldn’t have to be said, but non-U.S. citizens should never vote in our elections.

Lastly, this bill recognizes the importance of protecting political speech. The ACE Act will permanently prohibit federal agencies, such as the IRS, from asking for nonprofit organizations’ donor lists, creating ad hoc standards, and applying them to ideologically opposed groups. Reiterating the significance of our First Amendment rights allows Congress to uphold the Constitution the way our Founding Fathers intended.

Data shows that when Americans have more confidence that their vote will count, they’re more likely to participate. Every American should have confidence in their elections, and I am working to create just that. Across the country, we must ensure that it is easy to vote and hard to cheat.

Original source can be found here.